在北京有这样一群老外——他们长期在这里生活、学习、工作,感受着这里的开放包容、见证这里的高速发展、体验着科技赋能下这里的便捷生活......北京宣传文化引导基金和北京广播电视台外语广播联合推出25集融合传播产品《老外眼中的新北京 Beijing in my eyes》让我们一起去看看,在老外的眼中的新北京是什么样?今天为您带来第十一集:怀旧味道历久弥新 胡同里的网红副食店 Internet –Popular Hutong Grocery Store Savors a Nostalgia Taste第十一集
《怀旧味道历久弥新 胡同里的网红副食店》
Internet –Popular Hutong Grocery Store Savors a Nostalgia Taste
Heading north from the Drum Tower, it takes around a 10-minute walk to Zhaofujie. The history of the 390-meter long Hutong can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty. It still keeps the authentic lifestyle of local Beijingers several centuries later. A grocery store in the hutong area has become very famous on the Internet. Let's find out with Mary.从鼓楼出发一路向北,步行十分钟左右就到了赵府街,。这条390米长的胡同的历史可以被追溯到明朝, 历经几个世纪这里依然保留着原汁原味的老北京生活风貌。这里有一家非常有名的网红副食店,Mary今天就要去一探究竟。Zhaofujie grocery store was opened in 1956, with an operation area of more than 100 square meters and over 20 stuff members. In contrast to the fast development of Beijing, time seems to be standing still in the grocery store. It still maintains the original look and the operation model. As part of the shared memories of different generations, local people still depend on the store’s supplies which they can’t find elsewhere.开张于1956年的赵府街副食店当时营业面积100余平方米,有售货员20余人。和城市快速发展形成鲜明对比,时间仿佛在这里定格,赵府街副食店依然保持着开业之初的样子。承载几代人共同记忆的这家副食店,胡同里的人们对它的依赖也一如既往。Zhaofujie grocery store has won its fame on the Internet. A long queue of visitors from all over the country is often seen outside the store. Of course, mobile payment is available here as well as online shopping service. The old grocery store has regained its market share by balancing development and nostalgia.赵府街副食店如今成了著名的网红打卡地之一,人们从全国各地慕名而来,门口时不常排着长长的队伍。像在其它的店里一样,顾客们可以在这里使用手机支付甚至享受网购服务。At the grocery store, Mary bought a jar of the famous ‘Er Ba Jiang’to try, she also got a jar of pickled cucumbers just like what she has in her hometown in Russia. She cannot wait to try them.Mary在赵府街副食店不仅买到了最受欢迎的二八酱,还买了一瓶和在她的家乡俄罗斯见到的一样的腌黄瓜,她已经迫不及待要尝一尝了!